Diving centre TRYTON

Our diving centre was founded in 1995 and till this moment extends its offer all the time. We have a comprehensive service for those who start their adventure with diving and those more experienced. We have well equipped diving shop, service, lecture hall where we organize extra lectures about diving.

We are the biggest diving training centre in our region and one of the major in the whole country. As the only one we have our own, stationary diving base, where you can rent diving equipment or refill the tanks.

Furthermore we are the co-organisers of one of the biggest diving conference BalticTech, DivingDay  event and also Diving tournament  and many others.

What is more we are also the co-founders of such diving groups like BalticExplorers technical divers, Baltic Seals and underwater hockey.

It is also worth adding that other of our achievements is also creating such internet portal like wrakibaltyku.pl, where you will find all needed information about wrecks situated in Baltic bay area but also at the open sea.

Devoting your time, taking part in training or just diving with us you will develop your passion for diving and skills. Join us and dive with us!

What do we do?

In our  diving centre you will find numerous offers of trainings, starting from those recreational but also instructor and technical. We organise trips all over the world. What is more having a well equipped diving shop and service distinguishes us from others

Overtime we dive for fun!


We offer many kinds of trainings starting from those recreational, but also technical and instructor one.


In our offer you will find a great deal of local trips and foreign trips for everybody.

Diving base

We are the only one in tricity having our own diving base, where we organise our trainings and master our skills.


We have the biggest diving shop in tricity. You will find most needed equipment.


The biggest diving shop in tricity.

You will find here most of diving equipment offered in the country. If it isn't actually on our stock, we can arrange it for the next day.  What is more we are a platinum representative of many brands. There is wide exposition in our shop which allows you to see and try any equipment you need. We encourage you for a longer stay with us and a cup of coffee :) For those who like online shopping, use www.sklep-tryton.pl


Domestic and foreign trips

Our diving centre is most of all a place where you can have fun! Despite of disposal, teaching diving, we organise diving trips all over the world. Just visit us and see what we have prepared for you. Good location gives us a possibility of organising domestic and foreign trips. Short trips like those on the Baltic sea or by the lake are our major. For more specified information use our calendar or menu "trips".

Short, one-day or just weekend trips are not the only in our offer. Once for two months we organise longer excursions in remote regions of the world. Join us! Enjoy diving! Be positively addicted :)


Repair of diving equipment

Your wet suit is leaking or your regulator isn't working so well?

We are able to solve those problems quickly and efficiently. High quality of our services is known not only among individual clients. Such facilities like public schools, army, police and fire brigades put trust in us. From 2005 we are also shipyards service. We have all needed tools and qualifications to help you!


Repair of diving equipment

ON-LINE registration

Easy and convenient way of registration for training, meetings and diving trips.

We offer a wide range of training, trips and diving meetings. To present all those options we prepare section CALENDAR. If you are interested in given event, read more details about it and click button "sign up". After fulfilling personal data, we will inform you about upcoming events. If you don't find needed event, just write to us. We can modify our calendar!


Diving base in Chmielno

A real underwater aquapark - the only place on the coast. Lake with many underwater attractions!

The Klodno lake, situated in Chmielno is unigue for many reasons. This place become a real fun park, with special dedication for those less experienced divers. Safety and fun was our priority. Thanks to many constructions placed under the water this lake became a great place for practising skills. Such objects like bus, caisson and tunnels will make your dive much more interesting. What is more we create and improve our fun park to be more entertaining :)



Waldemar Wnorowski

Big Boss

Founder of our diving centre Tryton. Great diver and trainer. He gained his diving experience when specialized equipment was very limited. Thanks to his hard work and passion for underwater adventures, he created one of the biggest diving centers in our region. Waldek is mostly responsible for training and dealing with our diving base. He is an instructor in such organisations like  SSI, PADI, IANTD, SDI, TDI, CMAS and DAN.

Krzysztof Wnorowski

manager CNT

Co-owner of diving centre. Great trainer and diver. Co-founder of Baltictech conference and Baltic Explorers group. He is diving since he was 15 years old. In 2000 year he gained his first instructor certificates, his actual status - Instructor Certifier. What is more he is teaches in such organisations like PADI, IANTD, HSA, CMAS oraz DAN. In our diving centre he is responsible for company image, training and most foreign trips.

Katarzyna Fuczyńska

Sklep nurkowy, biuro

Sprzedaż , Instruktor nurkowania dzieci  – Z Trytonem związana jest od samego początku. Od samego początku jest głową, szyją i sercem naszego sklepu, jednak jej działania rozciągają się szeroko na wszystko, co dzieje się w naszej firmie, od zakupu i sprzedaży podstawowych akcesoriów nurkowych, przez wystrój, kompozycję i ogólny image naszego centrum, po pomoc w szkoleniach, organizację eventów i prowadzenie naszych wycieczek zagranicznych. Nurkuje od dziecka, bo w tej rodzinie nie wypada inaczej.

Marzena Burczyk

Sklep nurkowy, biuro

Sprzedaż , Instruktor nurkowania dzieci  – Z Trytonem związana jest od samego początku. Od samego początku jest głową, szyją i sercem naszego sklepu, jednak jej działania rozciągają się szeroko na wszystko, co dzieje się w naszej firmie, od zakupu i sprzedaży podstawowych akcesoriów nurkowych, przez wystrój, kompozycję i ogólny image naszego centrum, po pomoc w szkoleniach, organizację eventów i prowadzenie naszych wycieczek zagranicznych. Nurkuje od dziecka, bo w tej rodzinie nie wypada inaczej.

Jan Kujawski

suits service

Diving has always been his dream. First diving certificates gained in 2001 year and since this time his adventure doesn't ends. He extend his experience diving on Baltic, Red and Mediterranean sea. Be profession technique of precision mechanics. As service and salesman in our diving centre, he will help you with your equipment.

Leszek Kleban

regulator's service

Main serviceman in our diving centre. If you have any problems with your diving equipment just trust us and let us do our job. Leszek is responsible for any service needed for your equipment. In private life he is a big fun of DIY :) Because of his huge experience and knowledge our diving service is known and famous.

Tomasz Siwik


As a small boy his passion for underwater world was irresistible. Mask and fins were essential in his luggage. Sport is very important in his life so as diving. In 2003 he gained his first certificates and in 2010 began an instructor path. During his free time he is only diving... :)

Wadym Osypenko


He was born in Czech Republic, used to live in Russia and Ukraine. His passion for diving was created by his father. He is not only interested in diving, but also in free diving. He passes Apnea academy in Egypt. In 2003 he became an instructor. From 2014 he is living in Poland and year later he has became an SSI instructor. In our diving centre he is responsible for training in russian and polish language.

Szymon Kędzierski

instructor's assistant

Sport has always been his passion. He used to practise box, rugby and powerlifting. Looking for more experience he started diving and till this moment he is closely connected with our diving centre. As instructor's assistant he is organising diving trips etc.

Kacper Siciński

instructor's assistant

Sport has always been his passion. He used to practise box, rugby and powerlifting. Looking for more experience he started diving and till this moment he is closely connected with our diving centre. As instructor's assistant he is organising diving trips etc.

Ewelina Sasin

instructor's assistant

Sport has always been his passion. He used to practise box, rugby and powerlifting. Looking for more experience he started diving and till this moment he is closely connected with our diving centre. As instructor's assistant he is organising diving trips etc.

Elżbiera Rosińska-Sledź


Connected with our diving centre from his very beginning. As many of us his passion for diving started in Egypt. Nowadays he one of the most experienced instructor among our staff.

Krzysztof Łoziński

instructor's assistant

Sport has always been his passion. He used to practise box, rugby and powerlifting. Looking for more experience he started diving and till this moment he is closely connected with our diving centre. As instructor's assistant he is organising diving trips etc.

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