Thanks to high safety features at the pool, this training is suitable even for 8 years children. By a plurality of underwater games your child learns basic behaviour and proper diving techniques. For all the time the form of the training will be fun and ends with Scuba Ranger certificate.
After passing the exam your child can still learn diving. There are many possibilities like:
- Navigation diving
- Perfect buoyancy
- Search and recovery
- Rescue diver
- Night diving
Children can extend their qualifications by taking part in extra classes and gain Intermediate Scuba Ranger, Advanced Ranger or Master Ranger certificates. To gain this training your child need to take part in two diving classes.
To became Advanced Ranger you need to take part in minimum 4 diving classes. Then after 8 diving meetings your child will became Master Ranger. Specialities can be very different: cleaning room, trip to aquarium or good behaviour at school. It could be a great fun for you and your child.
The whole program consist of 4 meetings. First there are lectures in our diving centre Tryton. During this lecture we will present the underwater world. While having fun we will prepare them to this journey. After theoretical lecture instructor will take children at the pool, where under his supervision they will practise elements of the snorkelling. For the next day we invite all children for the rest part of lectures. Than we practise all skills that we have learned. The diving equipment is suitable for children. Small jackets, tanks, wetsuits and regulators. Everything new and checked! Next two days – only pool sessions with a lot of exercises and fun J.
- 8 years old, for children above 12 years can take part in Junior OWD
- Cost 600 PLN
- Snorkelling set
- Swimming abilities
The price includes:
- Instructor’s care
- Theoretical training
- Pool sessions (45 minutes under the water each day of training)
- Certificate
- Diving equipment
- Possible transport
Possible training dates you will find in main menu CALENDAR under the theme CHILDREN. If proposed date doesn’t suits you, let us know! We will do our best to find a convenient date. CONTACT
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