Some associate this configuration with cave diving. Last few years has been a breakthrough and sidemount is more often used by recreational dives. What is more, thanks to this configuration entering water is easier than with tanks on your back. With side bottles, walking on difficult are is safer.
Sidemount will be useful also for those divers, whose air consumption is high and diving base doesn’t have tanks bigger than 12L. With this configuration, two side bottles gives you big air supply. What is more diving and buoyancy is better.
What is essential for this training?
- Minimum age of 15 years
- Basic certificate
- Fulfilling the medical statement Please Click...
Thematic scheme:
During Sidemount training you need to make 4 -5 dives in open water and attend 7 hour lecture about:
- Basic knowledge and specification about side configuration
- Preparing equipment for sidemount diving
- Communication and signals
- Solving problems and underwater emergency procedures
- Diving and entering water with side tanks
- Gas management using sidemount configuration
The training is held using most popular and available sidemount harness: Tecline and xDeep. Maximal number of participants: 4 people.
The price includes:
- Sidemount equipment
- Diving certificate
Possible training dates you will find in main menu CALENDAR under the theme SIDEMOUNT. If proposed date doesn’t suits you, let us know! We will do our best to find a convenient date. CONTACT
Gaining the certificate SIDEMOUNT and logging your dives you can extend your limits to level: Speciality Diver, Advanced Open Water Diver and Master Diver. Learn more here: RECOGNITION FOR EXPERIENCE
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