To use free manual diving manual first you should do few things. First install free application using ITunes or Google Play. After installing this application on your smartphone or tablet visit website: and create your profile. Log in to this application using your personalised login and password and enjoy free diving manual.
First three chapters “Scuba Diver” manual refer to structure and rules of using diving equipment and also theory of diving. If you want to expand your “Scuba Diver” manual to its whole version – contact us! After first payment for Open Water diver course we will unlock manual for you.
Multimedial manual is fulfilled with videos and animations to explain you how does the diving equipment works and which phenomenon are under the water. We highly recommend it!
Everything Diving a new SSI application. Free, easy to install and very intuitive is what a diver needs at home or on his way:
- All your certificates in one place
- Manual for individual learn
- Diving Logbook
- Diving signs
- Many more
Click below and download application for your smartphone or tablet.
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