Diving for children!
Diving adventure for children can start with the age of 8 years. There is no upper age limit :)
For children from 8 to 15 we have prepared two options.
First option is the Scuba Ranger program 100% executed at the pool and addressed for children aged 8-10. This is a perfect opportunity to try scuba diving and spend free time in a different way. Because of young age of participants this training is carried out in groups maximum of 4 persons. Click and learn more about program Scuba Ranger...
For children from the age of 10 there is a possibility to take part in OWD training and gain Junior OWD certyficate. There is a restriction of 12m depth because of the age of children. After finishing this training children can dive only with adults in open water.
More about Junior OWD training you will find in section Junior OWD...
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