Free Immersion Specialization

Diamond Center

SSI Free Immersion Freediving (FIM) - Freediving training which takes place in open water. With the end of SSI Free Immersion Freediving you will learn how to properly do FIM immersion and learn the correct immersion techniques. An integral part of this training is the development of safe and proper apnea diving techniques, rescue and first aid techniques, the use of additional devices and the proper organization of freediving sessions.

The course consists of:

 -  Theoretical classes in the club ( Planning and organization of apnea diving (FIM), safety i freediving)

 - Practise in the club  ( Stretching, relaxation and warm-up)

 - Practise in open water, dynamic FIM. 


Requirements for students:

- Minimal age: 12 

-  Ability to swim

- One picture

- Equipment:  mask, snorkel, fins

- Certyfikat Freediving Pool or Level 1 



- Recommended duration (hours) of training: 12-14, (2 Open water sessions)


Passing the course:

- Pass theoretical classes and assess the skills of the Free Immersion technique


After successful completion of the course:

International SSI Free Immersion certificate

People with a Freediving Pool license can get the level:

Specialty Freedivier:

Completion of two (2) Freediving Specialty programs

Logged 12 free diving sessions

Advanced Freediver:

Completion of three (3) Specialty programs, including Freediving Training Tables.

Logged 24 free diving sessions

Master Freediver:

Completion of four (4) Speciality programs, including  Freediving Training Tables, DNF and Freediver Stress and


Logged 50 free diving sessions

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